Deliciously pink!
For Tjep (Pluk's designer), healthy means fun too! The design team not only resposible in designing the interior for Pluk but they came out with the identity & name for the shop for Client, Aïda & Zeger too.
Located in Haarlem, Netherlands, with a new take-away formula which offers: fresh juices, yogurt shakes and special salads that customers can compose by themselves, Pluk emphasis on good food does not means boring food.
The interior tries to reflect this juxtaposition of healthy and fun. For some reason healthy wants to look boring but we just said no! The counters contain fruits and vegetables in three color groups. They are actually fake, but because of the way we integrated a special gradient effect the whole counter becomes simply delicious, by the way it took us months to develop the exact right color, gradient and fruit/vegetable combination to get this result: people who enter Pluk are overwhelmed and just cant resist ordering one of the wonderful specialities specially prepared by Aïda and Zeger. -Tjep
