Tuesday 11 November 2008

Frame Sketchbook & Movement Bookcase from won-suk Cho

Frame sketchbook 1 by won-suk ChoFrame sketchbook 2 by won-suk ChoA very clever recycle theme indeed. Korean designer won-suk Cho has given sketchbooks a new after life! Lalalala....love it!
"A picture frame wasn’t built up until you had emptied the middle of the sketchbook’s cover. After you spread it and draw something to like to express on it. And if you just close the cover it again, your unique picture is going to be exhibited greatly."- Samulnoli

Movement Bookcase by won-suk ChoWords from designer:
A rusty and bent nail doesn’t have any reason for being. But the nails begin to inform me about their valuable being widely as soon as the book is laid on the useless nails. When they’ve met their trunk called the book, they were able to get a significant life force as arms and legs of our body after all.

Words from me (to the bookcase of course):
Little hands, little hands! Hold my books for me will u? Don't let it fall out of your sight. Thank u, little hands.')

X-ray Lights 1 by won-suk ChoX-ray Lights 2 by won-suk ChoRevealed during this year’s designersblock in london, won-suk Cho shows essence of the lighting through X-ray. "He wanted to create a light which instead of letting people see other things could be seen itself."- design boom.

His concept:
The view box in hospital illuminates for seeing a X-ray film. The X-ray, itself is a machine to see through inside of things, which people cannot see with eyes. If light bulb is taken a picture by the machine, the X-ray film of light bulb on the view box will be a lighting which people can see through inside of it. It shows essence of the lighting through X-ray.
a+. samulnoli via

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