Thursday, 17 September 2009

The Bösendorfer Grand by Audi Design Studio

Grand Piano by Audi Design Studio 1Grand Piano by Audi Design Studio 2
For a price of approximately 100,000 euros, Audi Design Studio will be including this design icon, the Bösendorfer Grand in its high-quality catalogue of instruments starting from July 16 - the day of its world premiere at Audi's 100th anniversary celebration. As the name indicates, this Grand Piano is a collaboration between Audi Design Studio and piano-maker Bösendorfer.

"We were obliged to study the instrument in depth, and develop an all-embracing concept from the very start. The project was a useful source of experience for our young designers, and will benefit them later when they work on car design." In due course it fell to pianoforte manufacturer Bösendorfer to build the first "Audi Design Studio.

'In consideration of the touching Bösendorfer sound, the acoustical construction within the piano was left untouched and thereby retains everything that a genuine Bösendorfer has promised since 1828. Nonetheless, the colors of the cast-iron frame and the damper felts have been adjusted to match Audi’s brand image, from which results a harmonic and smooth interplay of colors and materials. The music rack is covered with a net material for optimal sound permeability. The main lid, with its two-level prop stick made of metal, retains Audi’s aluminum optics. It opens in conjunction with the bass side rim and thereby permits deep insight into the instrument’s basic construction. The specially designed bench rounds out the modern image.

The exceptional collaboration in this piano of one of the auto makers best known for its technological leadership and a company world-famous for the touching sound of its instruments leads to an exceptional result.Most striking about the new grand piano by Audi design is the closed side rim of the bass. It not only lends the instrument unusual presence and stability, it also allows it to project the bass more strongly into the auditorium.

A perfect play of interlocking covers makes for attractive joints whose flush structures are reminiscent of automobiles.Without the otherwise typical flanges on the sides, the keybed looks as though it were slid in. The hydraulically attenuated fall board is recessed, and the respective hinge integrated into the lid.'

Grand Piano by Audi Design Studio 3
The leading edge of the upper case is broken with a circumferential round bevel; optically, it reduces the case’s height. The main lid, inserted into the case, also appears formally coherent.

Check out the inauguration concert video.
Grand Piano by Audi Design Studio 4Grand Piano by Audi Design Studio 5Grand Piano by Audi Design Studio 6
Grand Piano by Audi Design Studio 7
The pedal lyre that made of solid aluminum is a light metal element.

Grand Piano by Audi Design Studio 8Grand Piano by Audi Design Studio 9
Elegant and practical: the hinge with hydraulic damping, integrated into the fall board.

a+. bösendorfer via via

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Floating Cruise Terminal by Waterstudio.NL & Dutch Docklands

Floating Cruise Terminal 1
Designed by Architect Koen Olthuis, co-founder of The Netherlands-based Waterstudio, which is a part of a consortium with Royal Haskoning and led by Dutch Docklands, this Floating Cruise Terminal is large enough to allow simultaneous mooring of three of world’s largest cruise ships. The lifted point of the triangular shape forms the entrance to the inner harbour for smaller ships and water-taxis to mainland. Inside the terminal there is 165.000m2 of space for retail, conference, cinema, hotel etc. The terminal is expected to be realized in year 2o14.
Floating Cruise Terminal 2
Check out the floating cruise terminal movie.

Floating Cruise Terminal 3Floating Cruise Terminal 4Floating Cruise Terminal 5

About the designer:
Waterstudio.NL is the only architectural firm focussing fully on designing in, on, and at the water. The firm's clients are very diverse. Waterstudio considers it only natural that the architecture is as diverse as well, because design is the result of innovation, and thus produces new architecture continuously.

Waterstudio starts with the demands and wishes of the client, but always adds something that characterizes the bureau: clear, recognizable designs that can be sketched in a single pen-stroke, but are worked out with a sensibility in materializing and great attention to detail. This results in modern architecture that fits the client, and is appreciated by the broad public. Waterstudio's modern water-architecture has been noticed and praised by the press internationally.

a+. waterstudio
a+. dutch docklands via

McVillage by UXUS Design

McVillage entrance
McVillage, located in Bodegraven, The Netherlands is a design by UXUS Design, which won a merit awards in the SEGD Design Awards Program 2oo9.

McDonald’s commissioned UXUS to create an inspiring children’s activity area for the under-seven set, bringing the theme of “What I eat, what I do” to life. The concept embodies an inspiring, playful, educational, and entertaining area within a McDonald’s restaurant no bigger than 20sqm in space.

The project is primarily executed through large, collage-inspired illustrations. The aesthetic is playful yet visually sophisticated, designed to enhance the overall atmosphere of the restaurant and please both the parents and children.

The experience consists of a series of “cottages” with simple activities that stimulate kids’ imaginations and encourage them to cook up their own stories and games. It’s a make-believe McDonald’s village: the McVillage. The use of images instead of words transcends those barriers associated with different geographical areas and children’s ages.

Each cottage represents a phase of the journey food goes through before finally arriving at the dinner table. The journey starts at the farm, goes to the market, and finally ends up in the kitchen. The cottages are designed to house simple activities that will engage children in a physically playful manner, communicating a positive message about food in a fun and stimulating way.

UXUS paid special attention to using durable materials that could withstand heavy usage. Materials also needed to be nontoxic and the vibrancy of the colors needed to last. Using graphics combined with selected 3D play elements, UXUS created a story within which children can become the central character in a series of activities.
McVillage's Egg lounge in 'The Kitchen'McVillage's In 'The Market' with a view of 'The Kitchen' McVillage's Weight Scale in 'The Kitchen'Mcvillage's 'The Kitchen'McVillage's Egg loungeMcVillage's Musical plates in 'The Kitchen'McVillage's Side view
Photos by Dim Balsem

a+. uxus design via segd

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Anthony Roussel's Wooden Rings and Bangles

Small Wave Ring
Small Wave Ring
(5 x 6 x 2 CM)
Birch Wood
Photo by Juliet Sheath

Anthony Roussel's new jewellery range for International Jewellery London are made from woods, including maple, ash, birch etc.

"I work towards creating a perfect synthesis between jewellery and art."
- Anthony Roussel.
Fan Ring
(6 x 6 x 2 CM)
Birch Wood
Photo by Juliet Sheath

Arch Ring
(6 x 7 x 2.5 CM)
Birch Wood
Photo by Juliet Sheath

Ram Ring
(5 x 6 x 2 CM)
Birch Wood
Photo by Juliet Sheath

Geo Color Bangle
(10 x 10 x 7 CM)
Birch, Birds Eye Maple & Ash Wood
Photo by Rob Popper

Nouveau Bangle
(10 x 10 x 3 CM)
Birch Wood
Photo by Rob Popper

Branch Bangle
(12 x 12 x 4 CM)
Birch Wood
Photo by Rob Popper

Geo Cork Bangle
(10 x 10 x 6 CM)
Photo by Rob Popper

The designer:
Award winning Artist and Designer, Anthony Roussel creates beautiful intricate sculptural jewellery inspired by the epic sweep of the British coastline and a passion for modern architecture.
Roussel applies delicate flowing lines and sweeping curves, meticulously layering sheets of wood into sinuous forms. His fascination with the repetitive linear patterns found within geological rock formations is echoed in his technique. Essentially he builds flat elements into fluid structures.